Radix Sort: Samuel’s tutorial

Summary: Samuel's tutorial on radix sort.
Topics: radix sort, sorting, algorithms, coding
Slides: link (pdf)

  • L. J. Comrie, "The Hollerith and Powers Tabulating Machines", Transactions of the Office Machinery Users Assoc. (1929)
  • D. E. Knuth, "The art of computer programming, vol. 3: sorting and searching", Chap. 5 (1998)
  • H. Seward, "Information sorting in the application of electronic digital computers to business operations", Dissertation MIT (1954)
  • R. Sedgewick et al., "Radix Sorts", https://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/spr07/cos226/lectures/11RadixSort.pdf (2007)
  • M. T. Goodrich et al., "Algorithm design and applications", Chap. 9 (2015)
  • T. Cormen et al., "Introduction to algorithms", Chap 8, MIT press (2022)